why do we snore?

Snoring is quite simply a vibration of air as it passes through the soft tissues in your neck and head. During sleep, the air passages begin to narrow. This isn’t always a problem in itself, however, in some people, the tongue and jaw can also fall back, thus restricting the airway further.

When this happens the snorer begins to draw air in at a higher velocity in order to compensate. Increasing air supply in this way to feed the body with oxygen results in tissue vibration more commonly known as snoring.

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea – What Is It?

Obstructive sleep apnoea is the most common form of sleep apnoea and occurs when the airway is blocked sufficiently enough to make the snorer wake up gasping for breath. This can happen hundreds of time a night leaving the snorer feeling exhausted.

How Does Our Anti Snoring Treatment Work?

Our mandibular advancement splint, for example, is designed to keep the jaw forward when the patient is sleeping. In doing so, it tightens up the soft tissues, opening up the upper airway passage.

Alternatively, and as the name suggests, our tongue stabilising devices are designed to prevent the tongue from falling back across the airway during sleep. Both are lightweight, discreet, and comfortable to wear.